Community Game-Night 2.19
Cursed's Community Game-Night 2.19 is going live today around 7.30 p.m. GMT on the Good Games Live (formerly Dow2live) stream with a 2v2 tournament. If you're not playing, pick a beverage and hit the channel/chat.
ESL Midskilled Cup livecast
The ESL Midskilled Cup 2 is currently casted on the LockyCasts TwitchTV channel.
ESL 1v1 Midskilled Cup 2
The ESL (Electronic Sports League) is hosting a Dawn of War II: Retribution 1v1 cup for mid-skilled players on Sunday, 4th of March at 17.00 CET. We expect the event to get live streamed by one channel or another.
The ESL offers on sunday 4th of march at 17.00 CET a 1vs1 midskilled cup. We hope to achieve balanced and exciting games for everyone. Due to the inaccurate elo rating we won´t set any elo limits. All players can sign up, but we as admins will remove the players we think are too strong for this cup. So please don´t sign up if you already know that you are too good.
This can be seen as a test cup just to check if there are people that are interested in such cups. If yes we will host more in the future.
Sign up here:…
Community Game-Night 2.0 livecasts
If you missed the event, livecasted matches from last night's Community Game-Night 2.0 are available on Rokco's own3D channel.
ESL Winter Cup finals livecast
The ESL Winter Cup 2012 final games are being livecasted on the ShaleseyCasts channel. Update: VODs available at Red-Rupee's YouTube channel.