Dawn of War Wiki


This is written for patch 3.19.1 balance.


The Terminator Armor was originally a massively expensive T3 "super armor" that was generally considered a bad wargear mostly bought by noobs. It received a hefty price reduction since and actually turned out not ineffective at all, granting very high health, suppression immunity, and a free power fist and teleporter.

As a breakdown, the Terminator Armor costs Dow2 req 16150 Dow2 pow 1675 and grants:

  • Increases health by 1680; Artificer gives 200 health (Dow2 req 16100 Dow2 pow 1620)
  • Gives a ranged weapon comparable to Chaos Lord Combi-Flamer (Dow2 req 16120 Dow2 pow 1630)
  • Gives a melee weapon equal to the T2 Power Fist (Dow2 req 16150 Dow2 pow 1650)
  • Gives a teleporter pack (Dow2 req 16100 Dow2 pow 1640)
  • Gives suppression immunity and weapon knockback immunity
  • Armor type changed to heavy infantry (increased damage especially from plasma and power weapons)

This means you are actually getting a lot for the cost. On the flip side, you lose all your FC levels, previously bought wargear, and have almost no support abilities at all.


Assault Cannon[]

The Assault Cannon was an expensive and absolutely worthless upgrade before, but received a damage buff and a price cut and is now a substantial ranged damage upgrade. It is a solid choice but overshadowed by the chunk of cheese known as the Heavy Flamer.

Heavy Flamer[]

The weapon causing many facepalms in 3.19, the HF does high AoE damage against massed infantry and grants the Cleansing Flame ability which burns a fair-sized area continuously for up to 30 seconds (the ability does 30 DPS - there are many units with 100 or less base health per model, so do the maths). However, the flamer will also destroy buildings (including HQ turrets) almost instantly, and it's rather hard to block as the FC is immune to knockback and suppression. The Cleansing Flame ability will affect and destroy an entire generator farm in 4 seconds (150 DPS, 600 HP) which is assumed to be unintended by the developer; it is an incredibly cheap trick that can completely break game balance in certain matchups.

Lightning Claws[]

The weapon is good as such - the LCs do lots of power melee damage and splash damage, so they will own infantry (especially heavy infantry). However, you lose a good ranged weapon and an 85 DPS heavy melee weapon. Completely overshadowed by Heavy Flamer.
