Become immune to all knockback and perform special attacks with every strike for 15 seconds. Allied infantry in radius 35 have their damage increased by 10% for 15 seconds, and each of the FC's attacks adds the bonus again. Cooldown 60 seconds.
Call in a drop pod from orbit that does 50 explosive damage and ability knockback in radius 8 and instantly reinforces allied infantry squads in radius 35. Cooldown 300 seconds.
Teleport in a Terminator Assault Squad at the targeted location. Terminators are immune to suppression and weapon knockback but cannot retreat. The sight of Terminators killing enemy units inspires allied infantry in radius 35, increasing their damage by 5% and reducing their received suppression by 10% for 15 seconds. Cooldown 420 seconds.
Teleport in a Terminator Squad at the targeted location. Terminators are immune to suppression and weapon knockback but cannot retreat. The sight of Terminators killing enemy units inspires allied infantry in radius 35, increasing their damage by 5% and reducing their received suppression by 10% for 15 seconds. Cooldown 420 seconds.
Calls in 3 massive precision strikes from orbiting Strike Cruisers. After 4.5 seconds, the gravity well of the first beam begins to capture infantry in radius 10, disabling them with ability knockback. 1.5 seconds later, non-monstrous creatures in radius 4 of the beam begin to take 30 heavy melee damage per second. Finally, 6.5 seconds later, the bombardment completes, doing 150 piercing damage in radius 11, and a further 500 heavy melee damage in radius 6. Timing of the subsequent beams are staggered by 2 seconds, events triggering after 6.5 and 8.5 seconds respectively. Cooldown 120 seconds.
Burns the targeted area with righteous flame, dealing 30 flame damage every second in radius 15. Ability lasts 30 seconds or until the Force Commander moves. 45 second cooldown.