Dawn of War Wiki

The Fire Prism is very strong, but challenging unit to utilize. I requires good micro management and handling to get most out of it.

Fire Prism embodys the eldar army. Mobile and hard hitting, but particurally fragile. Fire Prism has only 500 hp at the start and barely gets over 600 at level 4. This means any direct contact with enemy tank can cause unit to sing its swan song, as it can easily to die to 3 or 4 shots. You must keep it as far from enemys range to avoid retaliation.

What Fire Prism lacks in durability, it makes up for it in range and firepower. It has the best range out of all vehicles in the game, allowing it to sting enemy tanks and infantry without them being able to fire back. It is capable to fight both infantry and vehicles, but it requires small window to change fire mode. Dispersed shot is capable of wiping enemy infantry and knocking them back, making it good at stopping enemy pushes, while concentrated shot is more effective against vehicles and super heavy infantry. This makes it one of few reliable anti vehicle units in eldar arsenal, making it essential against imperial guard and space marines, that have access to durable vehicles. It is good vehicle, but it cannot be used as a spearhead units like imperial tanks due the lacking durability. You must use it as a sniper, hiding it behind your lines to disturb enemy.
