Dawn of War Wiki


Assault Cannon (Force Commander)   
Dow2 sm assault cannon Unit(s) Force Commander (Term.) Ranged weapon effective against infantry.
Tier 3
Cost Dow2 req 1670 Dow2 pow 1670 Time (seconds)20
Heavy Flamer (Force Commander)   
Dow2 sm heavy flamer Unit(s) Force Commander (Term.) Ranged weapon effective against infantry in cover, garrisoned infantry, and buildings. Enables the Cleansing Flame ability.
Tier 3
Cost Dow2 req 1670 Dow2 pow 1670 Time (seconds)20
Lightning Claws (Force Commander)   
Dow2 sm lightning claws upgrade icon Unit(s) Force Commander (Term.) Equips a pair of lightning claws, devastating anti-infantry weapons that deal additional AoE damage.
Tier 3
Cost Dow2 req 1670 Dow2 pow 1670 Time (seconds)20