Slugga Boyz are one of the most common and lowest ranking Ork warriors that form the bulk of the infantry in most Greenskin armies. Armed with Sluggas, short range slug firing pistols, and Choppas, massive bladed weapons, Slugga Boyz compensate for their lack of range and light armour with brutal enthusiasm in melee combat and by banding together in large mobs to overwhelm the enemy. Mobs of Boyz are typically led by larger Nobz and can contain a few individuals equipped with heavy weapons.
Can be upgraded with weapons effective against most unit types.
Effective against infantry and heavy infantry.
In Game Unit[]
Slugga Boyz are a basic infantry unit for the Orks in Dawn of War and are one of their starting units, giving the Orks a head start in capturing Strategic Points. Slugga Boyz easily outmatch the basic infantry of other races in melee combat and can even overcome Tactical Marines in large enough numbers. Slugga Boyz are capable of equipping a number of different heavy weapons and benefit from a wide range of upgrades.
Default Weapons[]
Weapon Type
Average Damage
Battle axe like weapon. Good damage and morale damage but is inaccurate.
At the start of a skirmish, Slugga Boyz are useful for capturing Strategic Points and fighting other early game units. As the game progresses, they can become quickly outmatched by more advanced units so they shouldn't be the sole source of damage in your army. Their cheap training and reinforcement cost, large squad size and decent melee damage make them effective as cannon fodder and tying up enemy units in melee combat while other Ork squads (such as Shoota Boyz) dish out the damage.
Out of the choice of three heavy weapons available to the Slugga Boy squad, Burnas are the most useful as Slugga Boyz will usually be engaging in close quarters combat and are useful for breaking the morale of squads that can be dangerous to engage in a direct melee fights such as Tactical Marines, Chos Space Marines, or enemy Ork Boyz. Big Shootas and Rokkit launchas are still useful upgrades if the Slugga Boy squad needs to out range a listening post or clear out a mine field.
When training has finished[]
All here, boss.
When selected[]
Up yours!
Wot do you want?
Where's da fightin'?
Sod off.
Green is best.
When moved[]
If you say so.
Moving out!
You point, we go!
'Ere we go!
Wake up, boyz! It's time for fightin'!
Orks orks orks orks orks orks orks orks.
We betta be goin' to a fight.
When ordered to attack[]
We'll clobber 'em good.
Orks is made for fightin'!
Chew 'em up, an' spit 'em out!
Let's get 'em!
Time ta get stuck in, boyz!
Oh yeah? Now's the time fer tearin' things up.
Shoot! Smash! Chop! Stomp!
When moving to attack[]
Waaagh! (upgraded with Burnas)
When attacking[]
Shoot! Smash! Stomp!
Shoot 'em!
Smash 'em!
Chop 'em!
Crush da runts!
Get 'em!
Shoot! Chop! Shoot! Chop!
Stomp 'em flat!
Kill 'em all!
We'll blow 'em to bitz!
When capturing Strategic Points, Critical Locations or Relics[]
Let's get lootin'!
Fer Gork and Mork!
We'll make it Orky.
When Strategic Points, Critical Locations or Relics have been captured[]
It now belongs to da Orks!
Job's a good'un, boss!
When morale has been depleted[]
We's all gonna die!
If we leg it, we can fight again anuvva day!
Boss! We gotta go!
Let's LEG IT!
Dere's too many of 'em!
When morale has been restored[]
Let's get back into it!
Back at 'em, lads!
Squad's got dere morale back!
We're back for anuvva go!
When entering a transport[]
'Ang on, boys!
Saddle up, lads!
When departing a transport[]
Is dis where da fightin' is?
Get out, ya freeloadas!
When any friendly unit takes damage[]
Dey's shootin' us!
Uh, boss? W-we's gettin' shot up!
We're under attack!
When Encountering Enemy[]
(Referring to Space Marines, Imperial Guard and Sisters of Battle) I see Humies!
(Referring to Space Marines) Marine Boyz approachin'!
(Referring to Chaos) Spiky boyz are comin'!
(Referring to Chaos) Stinkin' Chaos boyz!
(Referring to Eldar) Puny Eldar, you can send 'alf da boyz 'ome!
(Referring to Orks) Dose Ork Boyz fink dey're betta den us! GET 'EM!
(Referring to Orks) Let's show dose uvver Orks who's da baddest!