Dawn of War Wiki
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Capitol Gardens
Retribution campaign mission
Location Meridian
Briefing All:

Priority vox channel Secundus. Lord Ascendant, I lead the faithful assaulting Capitol Spire. I am pleased to report that the Spire's defenders have fallen. They were uprepared for an attack from within. We shall hold this spire and await your transmission, bearing further instructions. Glory to the Ascendant! Glory to Khorne!

Tyranids: psychic beacon... antithesis... presence felt... darkens way... descend... Destroy... must clear way...

Objectives Destroy the Imperial Guard Stronghold and intercept the transmission

II: Destroy Imperial Guard Air Command bunker

Intelligence Storm the barricades: The imparial Guard are experts in static defense.

Armored Fist: The imperia Guard make heavy use of armored vehicles.
